Today is my angel mother's birthday. As she is the one that brought me into this world, i wrote her a poem to thank her for her love and care for me throughout the years, even when i wasn't the best son.
When as a child I knew only reliance.
You were my source for life, for living.
Even in time of greatest defiance,
You stood by always loving and giving.
With sweet adoration I now recall
Those childhood days of learning and growth.
Realizing your love strikes not small
On my heart, seeing love’s sacred oath.
Time has passed by, now I understanding,
A mother’s care having so long received.
She, never with force and never demanding,
Made me the man I am today perceived.
Now I wait for our roles to reverse,
When I care for you and love reimburse.
I love you Mom, and am so grateful for everything you have done for me!